【HYATECH Headquarters Office Building】

  • Owner:Wuxi HYATECH CO.,LTD.

  • Location:Wuxi China

  • Area:3,148 sqm

  • Function:Headquarters Office Building

  • Date:2013-2015

  • Status:Completed

Drawing inspiration from the shape and generation characteristics of HYATECH aerospace products, we combined the building with the shape of airflow in wind tunnel experiments, naturally depicting the unique appearance of the two buildings with flowing curved forms. The concave front plaza is enclosed by the two streamlined buildings, with a flagpole axis arranged facing the workshop's gable.

The two buildings on either side are connected by glass corridors. We convinced the client to create a small courtyard within the precious workshop space. Water and trees are arranged in the courtyard, allowing the glass corridor to pass overhead. This enables people to enjoy the precious natural environment embedded in the small space between the workshop and the office building at different elevations, with the moonlight on the half wall, the dappled shadows of the cassia trees, and the ever-changing breeze, creating a lovely atmosphere.